In a meeting between Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Opposition leader in Punjab Assembly Mehmood-ur-Rashid the candidature of former Punjab chief secretaries Nasir Khosa and Kamran Rasool, proposed by the latter, was discussed.
The provincial government has proposed the names of Justice (retd) Sair Ali and former Punjab inspector general of police (IGP) Tariq Saleem Dogar, said sources.
Shehbaz and Rashid are expected to meet again on Monday (May 28) to reach a consensus over the nominee. Candidates apart from the four individuals proposed are likely to be considered during the during the meeting.
Jamaat-e-Islami had earlier recommended former chief justice of Lahore High Court Mian Allah Nawaz and former federal secretaries Dr Safdar Mehmood and Khizer Hayat Gondal for the position.
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