The Hurriyat forum spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar said that thousands of people residing in villages close to the Line of Control (LoC) have been compelled to vacate their houses and move to some safer places. He said that it was a fact that the Kashmir dispute was the main factor for the Pakistan-India tension and plight of the Kashmiris. He said that durable peace in the region was impossible without settlement of the dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
The forum spokesman appealed to the world community to come forward and help in settling the lingering dispute to save the South Asian region from a possible destructive war. He said that Pakistan and India had already fought three wars on Kashmir, adding that war was no solution to any issue.
The spokesman urged the leaderships of both the countries to come to the negotiation table and sort out a feasible solution of the Kashmir dispute so that permanent peace could be established in the region.
Meanwhile, Hurriyat leader, Zafar Akbar Butt in a statement in Srinagar castigated the puppet authorities for shifting political prisoners from Srinagar Central Jail to jails in Jammu.
He said the main motive behind the move is to subject the detainees to physical and mental agony so that they relinquish their mission. He added that the decision was not only inhuman, undemocratic but also unconstitutional as according to a ruling by the Indian Supreme Court, detainees should be lodged in places where their relatives can easily meet them.
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