While talking to journalists, Ahsan called the protest rebellion against the state and said the centre is also involved in creating the hoopla.“They are not just favourites, they are brats,” Ahsan said about the Sharif brothers, adding that they want a judge like Justice Qayyum and a bureaucrat like Cheema.
According to the National Accountability Bureau, Cheema by misuse of authority and with criminal intent, awarded a contract of the Ashiana-e-Iqbal project of approximately Rs14 billion to Lahore Casa Developers — a joint-venture which was ineligible for the contract.
He is also accused of receiving illegal gratification in the form of a 32-Kanal land valuing Rs30.09 million approximately from the owners of Paragon City (Pvt) Ltd. Cheema is currently in NAB custody on an 11-day remand.
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