Minister Orders Power Companies To Establish CRWR

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Minister Orders Power Companies To Establish CRWR

Owais Laghari
On the directions of Federal Minister for Power Division all Distribution Companies have established special Constraint Removal War Rooms (CRWR) while the PEPCO has established special monitoring cell headed by GM/Chief Engineer to execute the constraints removal by the DISCOs at the end of March 2018 enabling to enforce zero loashedding on 0-10% losses feeders across the country.

The directions were passed in a special meeting with all the CEOs, technical staff associated with distribution network, PEPCO and other concerned officials at the Power Division here today.

The DISCOs are further directed to equip the Constraint Removal War Rooms with CCTV cameras connected with centralized monitoring system via communication link of Power information Technology Company (PITC) for continued monitoring by the Federal Minister for Power Division himself. The CCTV cameras will have direct access through smart mobile of the Federal Minister for Power Division.

On the special directions of the Federal Minister for Power Division, the PEPCO and all the DISCOs have assessed and taken technical surveys of their existing distribution network and have identified points of constraints at 132K, 66KV, 11KV and distribution transformers. In order to remove these constraints before the onset of coming summer in 2018, all the DISCOs have provided certificate to dedicate their resources and energies to achieve the target by the end of March 2018.

The Monitoring cell will submit its report after each 10 days regarding the execution of the projected actions by the DISCOs. The Federal Minister for Power Division will himself supervise and oversee the execution of timelines.The Federal Minister will also visit different constraints points in the DISCOs to have first-hand knowledge of the removal of constraints and take further actions as per the performance of the DISCO concerned.

The Federal Minister in his meeting with CEO of the DISCOs reiterated the resolve of the Government that after meeting the demand and supply gap, it is much important that the consumers get the electricity supply with no interruptions during the coming summers. He said also asked the DISCOs to bring more consumers areas based on percentage of losses under the zero loadhsedding regime as the system have surplus power.

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